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Define Business brokerage in Real Estate
Business brokerage:
"Business brokerage" is when a person helps others buy and sell businesses, kind of like how real estate agents help people buy and sell houses. These business brokers make sure that the buyer and seller can agree on a price and the terms of the deal.
For example, imagine you want to sell your ice cream shop. A business broker would help you find a buyer and make sure the buyer has enough money to pay for your shop. They would also help you and the buyer agree on the terms, like when the shop would be handed over and any other conditions.

"Wit & Whimsy with the Dumb Ox: Unlocking Knowledge with Rhyme:"
When businesses need a new owner to find,
A business broker is just the right kind.
They help with the buying and selling, you see,
Connecting the buyer and seller with glee.
If you had an ice cream shop to sell,
A business broker would do quite well.
They'd find a buyer who wants to scoop,
And help you both with the price and the loop.
With terms and conditions, the broker's the key,
Making sure all parties can happily agree.
So if you need to buy or sell a biz,
A business broker is who you should whiz.