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Define Discrimination in Housing in Real Estate
Discrimination in Housing:
"Discrimination in housing" means not giving everyone an equal chance to buy, rent, or get a loan for a home because of their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, marital status, or family status. It is treating people unfairly and not allowing them the same opportunities based on these factors, which is against the law.
For example, let's say a landlord refuses to rent an apartment to a family because they have children. This is discrimination in housing based on family status, and it is not allowed.

"Wit & Whimsy with the Dumb Ox: Unlocking Knowledge with Rhyme:"
In the land of homes and dwellings, where fairness should be king,
"Discrimination in housing" is an unfair, hurtful thing.
It happens when we don't provide, an equal chance to all,
Based on race, religion, sex, or status, big or small.
Imagine now, a family, with children one and two,
They want to rent an apartment, a place to start anew.
But the landlord shakes his head, "No kids allowed," he sighs,
This unfairness is discrimination, the law now does despise.
"Discrimination in housing" blocks, the opportunities we seek,
In finding homes and getting loans, it's the fairness that we speak.
In the land of homes and dwellings, we strive to make things right,
By fighting against discrimination, and shining equal light.