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Define Law of Increasing Returns in Real Estate
Law of Increasing Returns:
The Law of Increasing Returns is a concept in economics that is the opposite of the Law of Decreasing Returns. It states that as you add more resources, such as time, money, or effort, to a particular product, service or investment, the incremental benefits that you receive will increase.
For instance, let's say you are a real estate investor who buys a rental property. You spend some money fixing it up, and you start to rent it out to tenants.
As you continue to invest in the property, such as by adding more amenities, improving the landscaping, or renovating the common areas, you may see an increase in the amount of rent you can charge. This increase in rent will generate more income for you, allowing you to invest even more in the property.
As you invest more and more into the property, the incremental benefits you receive will increase. For example, you may attract higher quality tenants who are willing to pay more in rent because of the added amenities and upgrades you've made to the property.

"Wit & Whimsy with the Dumb Ox: Unlocking Knowledge with Rhyme:"
The Law of Increasing Returns is quite a treat,
It says that investing more can't be beat!
Put in some time, money, or effort, my dear,
And the benefits you'll receive will be oh-so-clear!
If you're a real estate agent, and you create a site,
A little investment might get you some leads that are bright.
But if you invest more, and make your site grand,
You'll generate leads that are truly quite grand!
Invest more time, more money, more love,
And the benefits you'll see will rise high above.
The Law of Increasing Returns is your friend,
So invest in your product, and see where it will end!