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Define Manufactured Housing in Real Estate

Manufactured Housing: 

Manufactured Housing refers to homes that are built in a factory and then transported to a specific location for installation. These homes are designed to be movable and can be placed on a permanent foundation or set up in a mobile home park. They are also known as "mobile homes" or "modular homes."


A working example of manufactured housing could be a family who lives in a mobile home community where all the homes are manufactured housing units. The family may have purchased their home from a manufacturer and had it delivered to the mobile home park. The home may have features such as a kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, and living room, but it was all built in a factory before being transported to its current location.

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"A Deep Dive for Real Estate Agents and Appraisers"

Mobile homes and manufactured homes are both types of factory-built homes, but there are some key differences between the two.

Mobile homes were built prior to 1976, and were not subject to any specific construction standards or regulations. Because they were not built to modern safety and energy efficiency requirements, many mobile homes are not as structurally sound or energy-efficient as manufactured homes. Mobile homes may also have limited customization options and a narrower range of features compared to modern manufactured homes.

Manufactured homes, on the other hand, are built to the standards set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 1976, known as the HUD Code. The HUD Code establishes construction and safety standards for manufactured homes, ensuring that they are built to a consistent level of quality and safety. Because they are built to the HUD Code, manufactured homes are often more energy-efficient and structurally sound than older mobile homes. They also offer a wider range of features and customization options.

Another key difference between mobile homes and manufactured homes is their transportability. Mobile homes were originally designed to be towed behind a vehicle, while manufactured homes are typically transported in sections and then assembled on-site. Because manufactured homes are designed to be permanently installed on a foundation, they are typically larger and offer more space than mobile homes.

In summary, while both mobile homes and manufactured homes are types of factory-built homes, manufactured homes are built to modern safety and energy efficiency standards and offer a wider range of features and customization options than older mobile homes. Additionally, manufactured homes are typically larger and designed to be permanently installed on a foundation, while mobile homes were originally designed to be mobile and may not be as structurally sound or energy-efficient as modern manufactured homes.

In short, all manufactured homes are mobile homes, but not all mobile homes are manufactured homes. If a home was built before 1976, it is a mobile home, not a manufactured home.
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"Wit & Whimsy with the Dumb Ox: Unlocking Knowledge with Rhyme:"

Oh, let me tell you 'bout these homes so grand,
That come from factories, all across the land.
They're made in a way that's quick and neat,
Then moved to their spot, where they'll stay put like feet.

You might call them "mobile" or "modular" too,
But "manufactured housing" will do.
They've got bedrooms, bathrooms, and a place to dine,
All built in a factory, and that's just fine!

So whether on a plot or in a park,
These homes can make a lovely spark.
They're built with care, then sent on their way,
And that's how we get homes made in a day!

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