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Define Marketable Title in Real Estate
Marketable Title:
"Marketable title" refers to the legal status of a property's title, which means that there are no outstanding legal claims, liens, or other encumbrances that could prevent the property from being sold or transferred. It's like having a clean slate, where the property ownership is clear and free from any complications.
For example, if a house has a marketable title, it means that the ownership of the house is clear, there are no outstanding debts or claims on the property, and it can be easily sold or transferred to a new owner.

"Wit & Whimsy with the Dumb Ox: Unlocking Knowledge with Rhyme:"
Marketable title, oh what a sight,
It means the property's ownership is clear and bright.
No claims, no liens, no encumbrances in the way,
The property can be sold, without delay.
It's like a clean slate, where everything is new,
A title that's marketable is always true.
No clouds or hindrances on the title you see,
The property's transferability is easy as can be.
So when you're buying or selling a property,
Remember marketable title, it's the key.
It means no complications or delays in sight,
Just a clear and easy transfer of right.