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Define Overage rent (aka Overage Income) in Real Estate

Overage rent (aka Overage Income): 

Overage rent is a special kind of rent that some tenants pay based on how well their business is doing. When a store's sales go over a certain amount (called the breakpoint), the tenant pays extra rent as a percentage of their sales beyond that amount. This helps the landlord make more money when the tenant's business is successful.


A retail store owner signs a lease that includes a breakpoint of $100,000 in sales. According to the lease, once the store's sales surpass the breakpoint, the owner must pay 5% of the sales beyond that amount as overage rent. If the store makes $150,000 in sales, the owner would pay 5% of the $50,000 over the breakpoint ($2,500) as overage rent, in addition to the regular rent.

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Overage Rent is sometimes referred to as Overage Income. Both terms describe the same concept: the additional rent a retail tenant pays to the landlord based on a percentage of their gross sales beyond a specified breakpoint.

Here are a few more points to consider regarding overage rent:

Lease negotiations: Overage rent is often a point of negotiation between landlords and retail tenants. Both parties should carefully consider the breakpoint and the percentage of sales charged as overage rent to ensure a fair arrangement that benefits both parties.

Encouraging success: Overage rent can create a mutually beneficial relationship between landlords and tenants. Landlords have an incentive to support their tenants' businesses and help them succeed because they can earn more income when tenants surpass the breakpoint.

Reporting requirements: To calculate overage rent, tenants must accurately report their sales figures to the landlord. Lease agreements should specify the reporting requirements, such as the frequency of reports and the method for verifying sales figures.

Variability: Overage rent can make the landlord's income more variable, as it depends on the tenant's sales performance. In times of economic downturns or other challenges, overage rent may decrease, so landlords should be prepared for fluctuations in their income.

Understanding these aspects of overage rent (or overage income) will help you better serve your clients and navigate the complexities of retail real estate leases that involve this type of rent structure.
Illustration of Dumb Ox mascot.

"Wit & Whimsy with the Dumb Ox: Unlocking Knowledge with Rhyme:"

In retail spaces, near and far,
Overage rent, it raises the bar,
When sales are high, and profits too,
Extra rent, comes into view.

A breakpoint set, a certain sum,
When sales go past, the extra comes,
A percentage paid, above the line,
For landlords, this can be quite fine.

For when the tenant's doing well,
Their success, the landlord can tell,
With overage rent, they share the gains,
A win-win game, where profit reigns.

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