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Define Special Exception in Real Estate
Special Exception:
A special exception is a permission granted by a zoning board or other governing body that allows a property owner to use their property in a way that is not normally allowed under the existing zoning regulations. The special exception is usually granted because the proposed use meets certain criteria and is not likely to negatively impact the surrounding area.
Let's say a property owner wants to open a daycare center in a residential area, but the zoning regulations don't allow for that type of use. The property owner can apply for a special exception to allow the daycare center, as long as they can show that the proposed use meets certain criteria and won't negatively impact the neighborhood.
"A Deep Dive for Real Estate Agents and Appraisers"
Here are a few more points that may be helpful to know. It's important to note that a special exception is not the same as a variance. A variance is a permission granted to a property owner to use their property in a way that violates the zoning regulations, whereas a special exception is a permission granted for a use that is not normally allowed but meets certain criteria.
Also, it's important to understand that a special exception is not a guarantee and is subject to review and approval by the governing body. Property owners may need to provide detailed information and meet certain requirements to qualify for a special exception.
Finally, it's crucial to understand the potential impact of a special exception on the surrounding area and the community. The governing body may impose conditions or restrictions on the special exception to ensure that it doesn't negatively impact the neighborhood.

"Wit & Whimsy with the Dumb Ox: Unlocking Knowledge with Rhyme:"
A special exception is quite neat,
It lets a property owner use their land unique.
If they meet certain criteria, they may apply,
And use their land in a way that's not the norm, oh my!